Traditionally, if you wanted code against a REST API your first point of call was the reference guide. This is typically a several hundred page PDF document (the largest I have seen was 850 page). Sometimes it is hard to navigate and more often than not it requires you to jump a lot between different parts of the document to find how to format the "body" of a POST request. This is part of the reason I worked on Project Vision and leveraged Postman's ability to export/import collections. This can be a very . You can read more about Project Vision here: http://anzpiper.blogspot.com/2019/12/postman-collections-for-dellemc-block.html Postman is by no means unique. Nowadays it is more common to see tools that allow you explore API's in a more friendly and interactive way. One great option is Swagger. I work for DellEMC and I see the trend where new products are coming with Swagger UI packaged, which is nice to see ... just to clarify, this is usually in addition to th...