How to get started in Deep Learning
Nowadays there are so many hot new technologies that is getting hard to sleep at night. One of those technologies I have been recently looking into is Deep Learning. During the process I have come across some pretty good resources which are worth sharing. If DL is something you want to explore tune in. What I am recommending here can be done over a weekend. That investment will certainly not turn you into a seasoned Data Scientist but you will get enough to be dangerous. From the outside it looks like a harsh topic but what I have found is that when explained right it is not the "mission impossible" that looks from the outside Deep Learning refers to the use of Neural Networks with several hidden layers. That's what make it "deep". So for me the logical place to start is Neural Networks, in particular try to understand the concepts. While trying to do just that I have come across this amazing channel in Youtube called “3Blue1Brown”. I don't know how els...